
Posts Tagged ‘Balboa’

Reviewing Reviews

November 5, 2014 Leave a comment

For those in the reviewing, blogging, or writing business the name Kathleen Hale has achieved a special kind of infamy lately. This is not where I weigh in on her, her actions, or her antagonist. Yes, I read about the antics and I can say that, as a writer, there’s nothing more infuriating than a bad review without substance or justification. Some people are dicks, plain and simple, and get off on making other people miserable. Yet if nobody ever posted their thoughts when something failed to blow their skirt up, how would I find opinions on products I’m interested in buying?

Set the buying aside, how about producing? I write books, and without feedback I have only my editor and my personal opinion on how my finished product turns out. Every book is a learning experience in how to get better at what I do, from grammar to content to writing style. My editors, beta readers, and fans are invaluable to me. I love hearing what worked and what didn’t. And if that means reading about it in a review, then that’s what I’ll do. Even a bad review. As Rocky Balboa said, “It ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can be hit and keep going.”

That’s life, my friends. And a minor jab I took yesterday was from a great blogger / reviewer by the name of Angus Day. He read Voidhawk, my first published novel. I cringe whenever somebody tells me they read it – that was written five or six years ago and I’ve improved so much since then! But people continue to love it. In fact, I had another email a few days ago from a man who read Voidhawk and stated that based on that book alone he would buy and read anything with my name on it. How cool is that?

But back to Angus. His review was positive. 3 out of 5 stars, and I believe he stated the middle of the road rating came from typos and grammatical problems in the book. Since he reached out to me directly in a message I was happy to talk to him about it and learn more about his concerns. That’s the kind of feedback that I strive for. Something to make me better. I address many of the issues raised and re-submitted Voidhawk to Amazon last night with the corrections. That’s the awesome thing about the age of the ebook – I can turn things around that fast.

So thank you, Angus, both for your kind words and for your critique. It was well deserved. As for my readers or potential readers, go try out Voidhawk, it’s free on Amazon and in spite of my cringing I will say that every time I revisit that first novel I’m caught up in just how entertaining it is. And it’s got six sequels, with a seventh burning away in the back of my head and waiting in line to be turned into a living thing.

Voidhawk, by Jason Halstead

Voidhawk, by Jason Halstead

To learn more about Jason Halstead visit his website to read about him, sign up for his newsletter, or check out some free samples of his books at

Glass Jaw

December 1, 2012 1 comment

I’ve been a fan of the Rocky franchise since I first became aware of it in my childhood days. Who hasn’t? It’s a classic underdog story with truly likeable characters – even Carl Weathers in spite of his arrogance. And yes, I even enjoyed Rocky V and I’ll admit it. Balboa, Rocky VI, continued this life and times of Rocky Balboa for me in continued excellence. As far as I’m concerned Silvester Stallone proved that he’s still got it and I don’t give a damn if he pops HGH and other chemicals to keep himself in performing shape. And yes, I enjoyed his final Rambo movie too, although I don’t understand his fascination with taking a bow and arrow up against assault rifles.

But this isn’t a movie review, this is far deeper and more personal. I mention the Balboa because in it Rocky makes a statement that I’ve long held true to, though I’d never heard it so succinctly spoken. In it Rocky tells his son (and later himself when he’s having the tar beaten out of him in the ring), “It don’t matter how hard you hit. What matters how hard you can be hit.” For those unfamiliar with the movie or story, it serves both as a reminder of how Rocky Balboa has succeeded in the ring and how he has succeeded in life. I think it rings true for everybody, and it served as a great reminder to me.

I’ve long had a determined goal to write full time. Well as of Friday morning that opportunity presented itself for me. Unfortunately, I’m not at the point yet where it is self-sustaining. Suffice to say over the past couple of years the situation finally reached a point where I was forced into parting ways with my day job. I’d love to dish out a lot more dirt on it, but that’s the red skinned devil on my shoulder talking and my professionalism will allow me to say no more of it.

What I will say is that I’ve been more or less actively looking for another primary income for several months now. My greatest frustration over this issue is that I wasn’t the one who originated the separation. I confess I laughed at one point during the meeting and smiled at many other points. My immediate reaction that one of incredible relief. I know, crazy. But the stress that lifted off of my shoulders was unbelievable!

So now I’m writing like crazy with my extra time, in between hunting for a new day job. Anybody looking for a DOTNET or SQL developer, SQL DBA, or IT Manager / Director feel free to give me a shout. I’ve got some very exciting prospects already lined up, one as soon as this coming week. Or feel free to make my real dream come true and go and buy up as many of my books as you can. Don’t hesitate to leave reviews heaping praise on them while you’re at it. I figure a couple of books that pull in 30 to 50 sales in a single day and a reasonable amount of reviews in the very near future after those sales should boost me up into some of Amazon’s algorithms to make things really take off. The problem, as always, is getting into those areas in the first place to achieve visibility. I personally recommend Child of Fate, the Vitalis Omnibus, or Voidhawk – The Elder Race (the first one is just titled Voidhawk and it’s free, but I don’t get any appreciable credit for that). Or if you’re up for something else, I’ve got lots to choose from, just check out the covers on the right and click on one to be taken to the Amazon page for it.

Or if the status quo continues don’t worry. I can take a punch, a knife, a concussion from slamming into a dumpster at a high speed, or a car hitting me. I come out stronger every time and this one will be no exception to that rule.

To learn more about Jason Halstead, visit his website to read about him, sign up for his newsletter, or check out some free samples of his books at