
Posts Tagged ‘silver lake’

Symbols – Another New Release!

August 19, 2016 2 comments


I mentioned it before, but it happened faster than I expected. Beautiful cover art, thanks to Willsin Rowe, and it’s ready to roll out. Due to my ongoing frustrations with Amazon, Symbols is available everywhere in e-book format.

So what is Symbols? It’s not like my other books, for starters. Symbols is the inspiration I received while camping with my family in Silver Lake, Michigan. The area is beautiful and a lot of fun, and it quickly brought to mind a new story idea thanks to the shifting sands of the sands dunes there. Symbols is a supernatural thriller / horror story with a few scenes intended for mature audiences only (so if you’re under 18 don’t read this book. Or don’t tell me or your parents you read it, if you just can’t stop yourself because it’s just too awesome to pass up).

At first glance it seems like a pretty typical story line – unsuspecting hero finds a cursed treasure. The thing is, I never considered that trope at all while writing it. Not only that, but I twist things around so much in this story that there’s a whole lot more depth to it than it has any right to contain. As a matter of fact, while I was rereading it and doing my final content edit I noticed two things – first: I was caught up in it again and not paying attention to what I should be focusing on (changes that needed to be made) and second: how deep and well done it was. Yes, that’s right, I patted myself on the back. Hey, I’m biased, what can I say?

I’ll include the blurb for a bit more of a teaser, and you’ve already seen the cover. Finally the links where it’s available at (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and the list goes on.).


Alan is a man in need. Forty years old with a wife and two kids, he’d resigned himself to a life of middle class mediocrity. His only escape was the adventures he’d take hoping to learn and experience something – anything – new.

The Silver Lake sand dunes gave him that opportunity. A twist of fate led him to a treasure buried for hundreds of years beneath the shifting sands. A treasure that he can’t turn away from. A treasure that is guarded by powers beyond his understanding.

Alan’s life isn’t the only one at risk. His family has already been changed and soon the rest of the world will suffer. Setting things right means more than embracing the darkness hunting him and fighting back, it means defeating a being as old as human civilization itself.


Amazon UK

Everyone Else


What’s next? Well, I’m back working on my 9th Voidhawk book. I’m either going to call it Voidhawk – Queen of Spiders, or Voidhawk – Spider Queen. I encourage feedback on either title – so don’t hesitate to reach out and tell me which one you like more!


To learn more about Jason Halstead visit his website to read about him, sign up for his newsletter, or check out some free samples of his books at